Friday, June 09, 2006

knowledge sharing motivation

Organic KM: Value Alignment & KM
Dinesh mentioned that Organizations that succeed in value alignment can be benefit from this. In fact, value alignment is part of company culture. Of course, it will act important roles in encourging knowledge sharing. But this haven't touch the deepest point of knowlege sharing. The key is how employee can benefit from sharing their knowledge and experience.
I most situation, only company get the benefit, but the guys who contribute can only get a little even nothing.


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rason,
I find your blog very interesting; I'll come here more often... Like you, I'm also trying to bring KM closer to reality... I'm currently working on a research on understanding why and why-don't people share knowledge at work. Despite the notion that people are opportunistic by nature, knowledge is being shared across people almost everyday in every firm. It is perhaps the right time to find out why some people are more willing to share than others; what are the contexts that could encourage or discourage people from sharing knowledge... To understand this we need to first understand what are the underlying fundamental motives to knowledge sharing (and hoarding); and how people interact with contextual factors at work.

At 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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