Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ziki - Finding People by Tag, Name or Web Address

Ziki - Finding People by Tag, Name or Web Address

Have a quick browse on ziki, and checked my most favorite tag, knowledge sharing, what I found?

Yep, lots of member in this tag, but who is the most professional, who have similar opinion with me, who don't agree with me, I have to get this details one by one. Of cousre, I won't spend so much time on it.

And, my decision is:
Don't use it.


At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - Interesting post. Just would like to point out a few things. Ziki just launched so it's just the beginning :-) Knowledge management is not our prime focus. However you raise interesting points. With regards to the tags, it is planned to highlight those which best describe someone's expertise, skill, etc so it's easier to find the people you're looking for. As previously said, we're just at the beginning, and we'll be progressively adding new functionalities. As for using the service or not, depends on what you expect from it:-) Hear what you're saying, but I'd be more than happy to further talk with you and see what functionalities you'd like to see us implement to make it a more useful service for you. My email : Feel free to contact me!


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